Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

Legacy Giving

Just as the Duvenecks created this incredible place with their own gifts and vision, the future of Hidden Villa relies on the continued generosity of current and future generations. You can create a personal legacy through a gift in your will, living trust, or other parts of your estate plan. Your legacy gift will nurture connections that inspire a deeper love and respect for nature, our food, and one another for many years to come.

If you are interested in learning more about legacy giving to Hidden Villa, please complete this short form and we will be in contact with you. If you have any questions, please contact our office at (650) 949-9702 or development@hiddenvilla.org.

Thank you for your action in supporting our mission. The benefits of your generosity are vast and will ripple through generations to come.

Hidden Villa is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our Federal Tax ID number is 94-1539836.

Legacy Giving
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