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Hidden Villa's Environmental Education Program

Connecting Kids to Nature for over 50 Years!

Hidden Villa’s educational programs have been inspiring a sense of wonder and promoting an ethic of caretaking in school children, teens, adults, and families for over 50 years. We offer a variety of programs to meet the needs of the community and to help create a supportive environment for all participants.

Our experiential programs are designed to support all types of learners of all different ages. We invite you to explore with us!

Pre- Kindergarten – 12th Grade Programs

Farm Tours

Students travel around the farm meeting friendly farm animals and stop in the Children’s Garden for some fresh, organic snacks. For: Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade. Duration: 90 minutes.

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Farm & Wilderness Explorations

Students hike through the wilderness, interact with endearing farm animals and enjoy hands-on activities in the organic garden. For: Second through Sixth Grade. Duration: 3-4.5 hours.

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Youth Development

Get your 7th – 12th graders outside and spend time building connections with each other, challenging themselves, and learning about our natural and cultivated world. Duration: 4.5 hours.

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After School Adventures

After a day of sitting in the classroom, give your child the chance to spend their afternoons exploring Hidden Villa’s farm and wilderness. Duration: Eight 2-hour classes beginning on March 15th.

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World of Wonders videos

Our World of Wonders (W.O.W.) videos are a wonderful way to explore Hidden Villa from afar. They come with support materials and ideas for how children can dig deeper into the topics.

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Funding Opportunities

Teachers who plan field trips are going above and beyond for their students. Access to transportation and funding can be barriers to providing enriching and memorable experiences. Hidden Villa is committed to connecting teachers with resources so that more students can benefit from being on the farm and more deeply connecting those experiences in the classroom. Below are some resources to aid in access and experiential education. If you know of any additional resources, please share them with us at registrations@hiddenvilla.org so we can pass them along!

Yoots mission is to eliminate transportation as a barrier to equity for under-served and under-represented youth. Their vision is that all youth, regardless of socio-economic background, have equal access to healthcare, all activities, parks, beaches, educational and occupational opportunities.

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The “Let’s Go!” Field Trip Fund provides affordable, easy-to-schedule, efficient, and safe transportation for youth (K-12) in the San Francisco Bay Area to experience science and environmental education field trips that may not have the opportunity otherwise. This grant is made possible through a generous grant from the Environmental Education Funders Consortium and is facilitated through Environmental Volunteers.

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The Environmental Science Resource Grant Program is to enhance environmental science curriculum through projects, supplies, and professional development. Any TK-12 grade teacher working at a low-income public school in the San Francisco Bay Area is eligible to apply.

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Teacher Club Perks

  • Access pass discount: Teachers receive 50% off a one-year access pass to Hidden Villa. (A $50 value!)
  • Seasonal Cycles classes discount: Our Seasonal Cycles Natural History Series of classes is designed to highlight many facets of the natural world that are most readily observed at particular seasons. Teachers receive a $10 discount on these Saturday classes!
  • Chance to win the $500 Brownlee Award. Learn more about the Brownlee Award on our website

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