Hidden Villa will be closed to the public from June 3 through August 3 for the safety of our camp community.

Online Activities

  • Teacher Resources

  • Grocery Shopping In the Woods


    This video gives examples of many natural and renewable resources used by the Ohlone Native Americans.

    • Free
  • Helping Birds Build Nests


    This video gives examples of how individuals can help preserve bird habitats.

    • Free
  • Horns and Antlers: Useful Tools or Nature's Hood Ornaments?


    This video presents information on the functions of external structures using the examples of horns and antlers.

    • Free
  • How Animals Make Their Homes: Woodrats


    This video shows how woodrats change their environment.

    • Free
  • How Deer Affect Trees and the Entire Forest


    This video shows how deer change their environment.

    • Free
  • How Hidden Villa Saves Rainwater the Easy Way


    This video gives examples of how rain water can be conserved.

    • Free
  • How One Family Saved a Watershed


    This video shows how the choices of one family saved a watershed.

    • Free
  • How Plants Anchor Soil


    This video shows how plants help anchor the soil and prevent erosion.

    • Free
  • How Seeds Travel


    This video shows an example of how a plant is dependent on birds to move its seeds around.

    • Free
  • How to Keep Plants Healthy


    This video gives examples of how plants are dependent on water and light.

    • Free