Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

(5/24) Meet the Herptiles: Reptiles, Amphibians and More!


“Herps,” or more technically, herpetofauna, are some of the least observed of our wild vertebrate neighbors. Amphibians and reptiles are generally hard to find and to see up close, so they can pass under most people’s radar for years at a time.

This class will be a celebration of these forgotten fauna, focusing on slides and taxidermied specimens to prepare you for those rare occasions when you do glimpse one in the wild. Find out which snakes are dangerous and which are hugely helpful on our organic farm, which amphibians Hidden Villa is actively working to protect, and why one might consider the unassuming California Slender Salamander to be one of the fastest land animals around!
