Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

Volunteer – Property and Construction


Hidden VIlla's property helps to steward the 1600 acres, facilities, landscaping, and program areas. The team often has seasonal needs for help in each of these areas. If you have any experience in construction, landscaping, or just like to be outside and are willing to work hard, please be in touch! 

Register for our Sunday, September 8th volunteer day here. 

Program Benefits

Volunteers benefit from seeing how Hidden Villa works from the inside and can take pride in knowing that their work leads to thousands of people enjoying Hidden Villa each year. Other benefits include:

  • Enrichment activities throughout the year
  • Annual pass to Hidden Villa after 10 hours of volunteering 
  • Discounted rates on tickets to special events.  
  • Annual appreciation gathering
  • Written letters of recommendation and official volunteer hours for external program requirements
  • Hidden Villa newsletters and communications
