Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

Overnight: Counselors in Training


Our Counselor in Training is a 4-week program that begins with two weeks of on-the-job training alongside experienced mentors. By designing, implementing, and evaluating large group activities, participants gain proficiency in some of the biggest challenges a counselor might face. They also spend time developing age-appropriate activities, practicing public speaking as well as learning interview techniques and resume building skills. Program graduates who successfully complete the training and hit all of the required benchmarks will join fellow staff as paid counselors for two weeks of camp. During the paid internships, participants will receive $580 a week.

Unlike other camp sessions, an application is required for this program during the registration process. This application should be completed by the camp PARTICIPANT, not the parent/guardian. Applications for our CIT program will be reviewed on a rolling basis until all spaces are filled. Applicants will be contacted for a phone interview. This process mirrors our staff hiring process, preparing youth for both future employment and higher education opportunities.


Apply here for our CIT program!


CIT participants will enjoy sleeping under the stars in the fresh air.

  • The sleeping area is gender neutral.
  • Sleeping pads will be provided.


Counselors in training do an activity with strips of paper with three kids


Early Registration for Summer Camp will open in December for all families registered for our 2024 season. More information to come.

Registration will open to the entire community in January 2025.

Click here to make or update your online account!


Who Is This For?

Youth entering 12th Grade in Fall 2025.

Camp Sessions

Training Program: June 16 - 27

Internship: June 30 - July 4 and July 7 - 11

CIT participants will return home between the training program and the internship. They will also return home for the weekend of July 5-6. 


$945 (There is no charge to apply.)

Financial aid is available on a limited basis, by request, for all youth and families with financial need.  Applications will be thoughtfully considered on a case by case basis and we will notify you as soon as possible of your scholarship amount.  In line with our camp values of inclusion, equity and accessibility, we strongly encourage children/youth who have experienced marginalization or underrepresentation to apply. 

To apply for financial aid, please complete the “Optional Financial Aid Form” located in the online UltraCamp portal during the registration process. *If the $125 deposit is outside of your means at time of Registration, please email camp@hiddenvilla.org to receive support.*