Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

Day Pass


Buy a Parking Day Pass and explore all Hidden Villa has to offer while your fees help us further our mission of education and environmental stewardship for years to come.

Your Day Pass permits one car to park in our lot during our public operating season (September through May and select open weekends in the summer). Admission includes all people in a single car displaying pass.

With your Day Pass, you will receive:

  • Guaranteed parking.
  • Access to Hidden Villa during open hours for one day.
  • Receive Hidden Villa's monthly newsletter with exciting upcoming programs on the farm.

You can purchase your Parking Day Pass online, right here. 

You can visit Hidden Villa whenever we are open, and we ask that all guests, including our wonderful season pass holders, please be mindful of closures. Below are our open hours:

REGULAR OPEN HOURS: Tuesday - Sunday, from 9 AM - dusk

SUMMER CLOSURES:  Closed for Summer Camp June 17th - August 19

Exceptional SUMMER OPEN WEEKENDS: June 29 & 30th,  July 13th & 14th,  July 20th & 21st, and August 3rd & 4th


A scenic view of the hills around Hidden Villa


Parking Day Passes cost $10.