Hidden Villa will be closed to the public from June 3 through August 3 for the safety of our camp community.

Annual Fund and Development Manager

Gianna Fazioli (she/her/they)

Annual Fund and Development Manager

Gianna was born in Chicago and grew up in the Chicagoland area. She moved to California in 2018 to be closer to her family. Gianna brings experience with grant-making, grant-writing, and fundraising for government and higher education institutions around sustainable agriculture and environmental education. She served as the Development and Communications Chair on the Hidden Villa Board and is excited to bring that experience to this role.

Gianna was first attracted to Hidden Villa as a volunteer planting garlic on her breaks from college. Years later, she was invited to help with strategic planning and serve as a board member. Gianna believes strongly in Hidden Villa’s ability to transform food systems and be a leader in the climate movement. As a child, she didn’t have the opportunities to interact with the outdoors or nature. When she did have that experience, it changed her ability to learn and thrive in her community.

Gianna’s favorite activities at Hidden Villa are watching the kids engage with nature and light up when seeing the farm animals. She also loves hiking or just sitting and watching the bees make magic happen. Gianna’s favorite mission-related book is The Intersectional Environmentalist: How to Dismantle Systems of Oppression to Protect People + Planet by Leah Thomas.