Ben grew up in central Ohio where rolling fields of corn and soybeans met creeks and ponds nestled amongst tall stands of hardwood trees. A place where all four seasons staked their claim offering their delights and challenges. While hunting and fishing, attending...
Paige refers to herself as a New Englander having grown up in the northeastern part of the country moving between Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Maine. Paige has worked in camps from the seacoast of New Hampshire to the shores of Catalina Island. Her love for camp...
Sofia grew up in San Francisco, California, on the Southeast side near McLaren Park. Sofia supports all aspects of managing Hidden Villa’s Internship program, from orienting and onboarding, to planning professional development experiences, and holding space for...
Christina is a Southern California native and grew up in Monterey Park, CA. Christina comes from a background in both outdoor and indoor education. She was a founding member and the Director of Science and Math at Tessellations School, and she taught science to third...
Nina was born and raised in the South Bay of Los Angeles and has bounced between the two South Bays a few times. Nina partnered with Hidden Villa in a regional collaborative capacity in their previous role as Environmental Education Specialist with Mid-peninsula...