Hidden Villa Summer Camp registration is open! Learn more under our 'programs' menu.

Health and Safety

Hidden Villa is committed to creating a safe environment for our campers to remain healthy and happy during their time at camp. We follow the current recommendations from the Santa Clara County Board of Health and the Department of Environmental Health. We institute industry common practices outlined by the American Camp Association to mitigate sicknesses such as COVID-19 affecting our camp operations. We reference the local community spread of communicable diseases through the CDC regularly.

On the first day of camp, all campers are required to participate in a health screening during the check-in process. This includes taking a temperature, asking about any current symptoms of illness, and recent travel history. Additionally, all campers enrolled in an overnight program will be checked for lice upon arrival.

We ask that you do your part to ensure the health of our Summer Camp community as well.  We ask that if your camper is sick, please do not bring them to camp until they are fully recovered from the illness.  Please be sure that your child is up-to-date on all the required immunizations and vaccinations.  Please complete an accurate and up-to-date health history form in your Ultracamp Account.  We encourage program participants to be vaccinated against COVID-19 when possible.

If a camper becomes ill while at camp, they may be sent home at the discretion of the Summer Camp Director and Health Staff to prevent the spread of illness.



Mandated Reporting
