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Grades K – 1 Animal Discovery

Please enjoy these videos and experience learning at Hidden Villa from your own home! Consider supporting Hidden Villa by making a donation.

Teacher guides for each video are located at the bottom of this page.

Lambs, oh my!

All living organisms need four things to live, including sheep! Those things are food, water, shelter and space. At Hidden Villa we make sure all of our animals have those four things to make sure they live a happy and healthy life!

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Wow, Cows!

Now that you’ve watched the video, you know all about the four things cows need to survive on the farm – water, food, shelter, and space. You also learned that some cows give us milk and some cows give us meat in return for taking care of them!

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Goofy Goats

All the farm animals at Hidden Villa are provided with the four things they need to survive: food, shelter, water, and space. When we take good care of the goats by giving them these four things, there are many things they will give us in return.

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Chatting about Chickens

Chickens have four basic needs: food, water, shelter and space. When chickens’ needs are met, they are able to live healthy lives. We can be thankful for chickens for their eggs, feathers and meat!

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Problem Solving Pigs

At Hidden Villa, we take good care of our pigs by giving them everything they need to live happy, healthy lives. In return, they give humans many things, like meat and other products.

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Teacher Guides

Lambs, oh my!


Wow, Cows!


Goofy Goats


Chatting about Chickens


Problem Solving Pigs