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Grades 2 – 5 Forest Exploration

Please enjoy these videos and experience learning at Hidden Villa from your own home! Consider supporting Hidden Villa by making a donation.


Teacher guides for each video are located at the bottom of this page.



I Notice, I Wonder…

You can learn to be an exceptional observer by making observations, asking questions, and making connections with three simple prompts: “I notice”, “I wonder”, “it reminds me of”. These are the essential tools of a scientist. Learn them, and you’re on your way!

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Banana Slug Island

Banana Slugs are one of our most important decomposers, one of the many organisms which recycle the nutrients of both forests and farms. One location at Hidden Villa where you can usually find them is a place we call Banana Slug Island, which is really just a rock outcrop that divides a small stream.

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A Wild Community


Explore Click here for more questions, resources and activities about this topic!


Habitats Hike

At Hidden Villa, we have different habitats that plants and animals live in. These habitats are all interconnected parts of our ecosystem at Hidden Villa. You can learn a lot about a place by taking a moment to make some observations. Use your senses to look, listen and feel.

Explore Click here for more questions, resources and activities about this topic!


Leave No Trace


Teacher Guides

I Notice, I Wonder…

Banana Slug Island

A Wild Community

Habitats Hike