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Grades 2 – 5 Animal Discovery

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Teacher guides for each video are located at the bottom of this page.

Are you Sheepish?

Sheep have unique and interesting adaptations (structures that function like tools) to help them survive on the farm. They can stay warm and dry all year long, even in challenging weather.

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Cows, Cows, Cows

Cows provide us with milk and meat, among other things. Like all animals, they have tools, called adaptations, also known as structures that function to help them survive. As domestic animals, most of their needs are met by their farmers but they still retain the tools that helped their ancestors gather food and feel safe in the wild.

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What Makes a Goat Go?

Goats have many adaptations to help them survive, like two sets of toes on each foot to help them balance, special eyes to help them see a wider range to look out for prey, and a 4 chambered stomach to help them digest food.

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The Practical Pig

Pigs are raised on farms primarily to provide meat. They have been bred to grow quickly and have large litters. They are unique farm animals because they are both scavengers and omnivores and use their upturned snouts to search for food, unearthing worms, bugs and roots.

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Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Chickens give us eggs, meat and feathers. They have useful adaptations (structures that function as tools) to help them feed and escape from predators. By understanding their adaptations we can create an ideal environment for them.

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Chickens – From Egg to Egg-Layer

In this video, Nick taught us about the lifecycle of a chicken, including its birth, growth, reproduction, and death. When chickens are born, or hatched, they are eggs. Eggs need to be cared for before they hatch into chicks. As chicks grow, they enter their teenage or young-adult stage and are also known as pullets. When egg-laying chickens are full grown, they are called hens.

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Teacher Guides

Are you Sheepish?


Cows, Cows, Cows


What Makes a Goat Go?


The Practical Pig


Which Came First?


From Egg to Egg-Layer