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Hidden Villa Equity Statement

March 22, 2024

Dear Hidden Villa Community, 

Hidden Villa is united in supporting our community who is impacted by the Israel-Hamas War, and in calling for sustained peace in the region. 

We join with millions in calling for an immediate permanent cease-fire, release of all hostages, and hope for a peaceful path forward for all living in Palestine and Israel and those connected. We grieve for all those affected by the conflict. We stand against violence, racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and discrimination in all of its forms. We humbly lift our voices as we hold on to a vision for a sustainable, healthy, and just future for all.  

We mourn the loss of all innocent lives, grieve with our community at Hidden Villa who have family members and friends in Israel and Gaza, and unequivocally condemn all actions that endanger innocent people. Further, we hope for the careful and speedy provision of humanitarian aid to Gaza, and the cessation of hostilities that impede a just and enduring peace.

As a general practice, Hidden Villa does not take positions on matters beyond our expertise or immediate purview; however, we also recognize that many who visit, volunteer, and work at Hidden Villa suffer great anxiety and depression, exacerbated by the conflict, from the disturbing increase in Islamophobia and anti-Semitism throughout the country and even locally. We communicate this note of peace to them.

Hidden Villa strives to be a place of peace, healing, learning, and nourishment. We encourage all people to show compassion and empathy during these difficult times.

Sincerely and respectfully, 

Elliott Wright
Executive Director


April 21, 2022

Hidden Villa is committed to the vision that everyone deserves a sustainable, healthy, and just future – not just the few and privileged. Through education, reflection, and community building, we will humbly continue to remove barriers and create opportunities that promote a diverse, equitable, and inclusive world for all, regardless of background or ability. Our work is far from done. We acknowledge the need to reflect, hold space, and learn from the ways we could have done more. Now, more than ever is the time for action.

We, the Employees, Board of Trustees, Interns, and the Volunteers of Hidden Villa will:

  • Govern ourselves in a way that authentically listens and invites community participation, questions power dynamics, and allocates resources from a Justice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Access (JDEIA) frame.
  • At the Staff level, engage in difficult conversations as needed, bring JDEIA issues to the fore for the leadership team, support and train staff, and devote resources towards recruitment/retention so that our team better reflects the Bay Area community.
  • Adapt and operate our education programs and agriculture practice thoughtfully to ensure all feel welcome and comfortable to be their complete selves.
  • Cultivate Community Partnerships that are relevant and empowering to the people we serve and the impact we want to make in our world.

Join us as we work toward this vision, as we stand in solidarity with many of the regional, national, and global efforts to establish environmental and racial justice  — working to create true and authentic equity.