Hidden Villa is open Tuesdays through Sundays. Please go to our visit page to learn more.

Volunteer – Archives


Archives Volunteers provide critical, remote or on-site support to our staff by helping to collect, organize, preserve and share Hidden Villa's amazing history.  Pitch in and help with current priorities or find a special topic and dive in.  Scheduled time and work from home opportunities available.  

We are accessible to our public community every day of the week so we can always find a time to put your administrative skills to work in support of our mission. 



Program Benefits

Archives Volunteers benefit from seeing how Hidden Villa has changed and grown over the years and can take pride in knowing that their work leads to thousands of people enjoying Hidden Villa each year. Other benefits include:

  • Enrichment activities throughout the year
  • Annual pass to Hidden Villa after 10 hours of volunteering 
  • Discounted rates on tickets to special events.  
  • Annual appreciation gathering
  • Written letters of recommendation and official volunteer hours for external program requirements
  • Hidden Villa newsletters and communications 

Candidate Qualifications

Archives volunteers perform a wide variety of tasks. We can always match projects to your skill set and will provide any necessary training.  This opportunity is for volunteers who are a minimum of 18 years old.