Hidden Villa is open Tuesdays through Sundays. Please go to our visit page to learn more.

Wellness Forest Walk


Experience the simple practice of Forest Immersion at Hidden Villa with Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, Kira White.  In this walk, participants will be guided in slowing down, connecting with nature and observing their inner landscape.  The walks aren’t rigorous hikes, but rather they are spending a slow time in nature.  We follow a standard sequence and Kira facilitates light sharing with others on these guided journeys.

Decades of research show that forest bathing may help reduce stress, improve attention, boost immunity and lift mood.  Forest Therapy is a practice of spending time in a forested area for the purpose of health, wellness and happiness.  There are many wonderful health benefits attributed to forest therapy including improving boosted immune function and a reduction in depression. The practice can help with nature connection, conservation efforts and employee wellness. See the books, “The Nature Fix” or “Your Guide to Forest Bathing”.

Kira White worked at Hidden Villa years ago as an Environmental Education volunteer and is thrilled that she can return in this capacity.  She has a background in Psychology, Education and Culinary Arts which brings an expansive experience to her practice.  Kira has found that nature and the forest bring about a deep sense of healing for her and would like to share that with others.  She received her certification from the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy.

Forest Therapy is a 2-3 hour guided sequence.  We will meet at the main parking lot in front of the information kiosk.

Please come and experience wellness in the forest at Hidden Villa!




Good to Know

Please dress comfortably for the weather!  During the early fall, the valley of Hidden Villa is exposed to a lot of sunlight and can be warm.

Once entering the wilderness areas, the forest can be a chilly place, bring layers!

In the Winter months, please plan to wear warm layers including gloves and hats!

Feel free to bring along a back pack to store extra layers, snacks and a water bottle!