Hidden Villa is open Tuesdays through Sundays. Please go to our visit page to learn more.

Outdoor Kitchen Picnic Area


Picnic tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We are currently not accepting new picnic site reservations. Please check back later to learn when you can reserve a space.

The Outdoor Kitchen area has 6 picnic tables, can seat up to 60 people, and is shaded by a roofed structure centrally located on the farm to the left of the Education Garden.


Hidden Villa is a pack-in, pack-out facility and we ask that all guests and picnic groups consider low-waste experiences and remove all their belongings, garbage and recycling with them when they depart from the farm. We do not have any trash bins on site.

We welcome decorations for creating festive, memorable experiences!  However, we do not allow the following so we can protect the environment:

  1. Balloons
  2. Streamers
  3. Confetti
  4. Glitter
  5. Paint
  6. Piñatas
  7. Bounce Houses
  8. Open flames
  9. Glass bottles
  10. Smoke of any kind (we are a smoke-free facility)

There is no electricity or refrigeration available at your picnic site. Alcohol must be in a locked container and is to be served by someone 21+. ID will be required.

