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Meet the Herptiles: Reptiles, Amphibians, and more! – May 27


“Herps,” or more technically, herpetofauna, are some of the least observed of our wild vertebrate neighbors. These creatures are generally hard to find and to see up close. As a result, they can pass under most people’s radar for years at a time. This class will be a celebration of these forgotten fauna, their beauty and strange adaptations, and of their beneficial roles in our lives, focusing on slides and taxidermied specimens to prepare you for those rare occasions when you do glimpse one in the wild. Find out which snakes are dangerous and which are hugely helpful, what lizards are good for, and why I consider the unassuming California Slender Salamander to be one of the fastest land animals around!

Good to Know

1. Heavy rain cancels, as most class activities take place outdoors. Dress in layers for variable weather.

2. Classes may involve 1-2 miles of gentle walking.

3. Masks are optional unless Santa Clara County enters a high risk level.


All Classes in the Seasonal Cycles Natural History Series are $30/person.

If you are an individual planning to take 4 classes in the series, you can sign-up for the Seasonal Cycles Natural History Series Bundle on the previous page for $100 for any four classes.

Who Is This For?

Motivated students of nature, of any age. Children 12 and younger need to be accompanied by a registered adult.
