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World of Wonders

Welcome to the World of Wonders (W.O.W.) series. Below you will find our welcome videos and the entire collection of completed videos and guides. While videos and guides were created with Next Generation Science Standards in mind, specific to particular grades, we believe all ages will love our W.O.W. Series!

Start your adventure by watching one of our two welcome videos!

Bring Your Farm Tools!

Take our Three Challenges!

Down in the Garden, Where the Carrots Grow!

Student Guide (K-2) Student Guide (2-5)

Teacher Guide (K-2) Teacher Guide (2-5)

List at least one example of something you eat that comes from one of these six plant parts!

“An example of a root I can eat is…”

“An example of a stem… leaves… flowers…fruits… seeds…”

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

In this video you learned about the Lady Beetle (or Ladybug) lifecycle.

What are the 4 stages of the lifecycle for all living creatures?





Draw and label the Lady Beetle Lifecycle.


Learn about Habitats and Adaptations with our Farm Animals!

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

“I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.” – The Lorax

Learning from Hidden Villa’s Forest!

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

What does “macro” mean? What does “invertebrates”?

What was something that surprised you in this video?

Stay tuned for student resources related to this video.

What are the five things that make a mammal a mammal?






Stay tuned for student resources related to this video.

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Learn about all the amazing adaptations that make banana slugs so gross, yet so cool!

How many banana slug adaptations can you think of? Are there any we missed?

Stay tuned for student resources related to this video.

What Leave No Trace Principles does Natalie introduce during this video?

Stay tuned for student resources related to this video.

How can we use skulls to discover more about animals’ feeding preferences and strategies?

Stay tuned for student resources related to this video.

Student Guide Teacher Guide

Student Guide Teacher Guide

What is decomposition?

What was your favorite phenomenon from the hike?

Stay tuned for student resources related to this video.

If you are interested in a LIVE session with one of our Outdoor Educators, please click “Learn with us” to learn more about our LIVE programs: Hidden Villa Live! and Hidden Villa Covey.

Schools and Groups: Learn with us!

Individuals and Families: Learn with us!